日本の名ジャズドラマー、石川晶が1972年にリリースした『ウガンダ (アフリカン・ロックの夜明け)』が再発されました。このアルバムは、プログレッシブロックやサイケデリックロックにアフリカンパーカッションを融合させ、ダーティなワウワウブルースファンクとジャジーな感性が織り交ざった作品です。石川晶の他、千原秀明(水谷公生、ラリー・スナガ、村岡タケルが参加しています。暗く深い実験的なサウンドで、サイケデリック、プログレッシブ、アシッドロックのコレクターに人気です。オリジナル盤は高額で取引されており、公式ライセンスを受けた再発盤として特製ジャケット仕様でお届けします。
A1. 動物達と夜明け = Wanyamana Mapambazuko
A2. 求愛 = Na Tu Penda Sana
B1. 戦い = Vita
B2. ピグミー = Pygmy
The respected Japanese jazz drummer Akira Ishikawa was not messing around when he recorded the 'Uganda (Dawn of African Rock)' album with his band the Count Buffaloes. For this offering, originally released in 1972 on Toshiba Records, Akira Ishikawa takes us on a deep tripped-out journey. 'Uganda (Dawn of Rock)' is a fusion of progressive and psych rock with African percussion workouts, dergy-wah wah blues-funk, and jazzy sensibilities; with different genres morphing and uniting as they progress.
A long way from his funk and afrobeat album 'Back To Rhythm’, re-issued on Mr Bongo in 2019, this record has a darker, deeper, abstract and experimental stoned tone with the listener being pulled into its vortex for the ride. This record doesn’t pull any punches.
For this album, Akira is joined by Hideaki Chihara on bass, guitarist Kimio Mizutani, sounding at times like an early 70s Peter Green, percussionist Larry Sunaga and composer Takeru Muraoka.
The album has become highly sought-after amongst psych, prog and acid rock collectors and due to the rare nature of original copies they come at a hefty price tag.
We are delighted to present an officially licensed re-issue of this underground Japanese rock rarity.
This version features a tip-on sleeve with OBI strip.