[[Reservations accepted! -price undecided-]]
*This product will be shipped or reserved as soon as it becomes available. If you are ordering only pre-order items, please select a payment method other than credit card payment (you can select credit card payment at the time of shipment after arrival). When ordering or making a reservation with other products, a separate shipping fee and cash on delivery fee (when specifying cash on delivery) will be required when this product is shipped. If we run out of stock, we will sell items on a first-come, first-served basis.
A1.Special To Me
A2.My Flame
A3.Love Won't Wait
A4.Can't Say Goodbye
B1. Come To Me
B2. What You Won't Do For Love
B3. Kalimba Song
B4.Take Me Back To Then
B5.Down For The Third Time
*This product will be shipped or reserved as soon as it becomes available. If you are ordering only pre-order items, please select a payment method other than credit card payment (you can select credit card payment at the time of shipment after arrival). When ordering or making a reservation with other products, a separate shipping fee and cash on delivery fee (when specifying cash on delivery) will be required when this product is shipped. If we run out of stock, we will sell items on a first-come, first-served basis.
A1.Special To Me
A2.My Flame
A3.Love Won't Wait
A4.Can't Say Goodbye
B1. Come To Me
B2. What You Won't Do For Love
B3. Kalimba Song
B4.Take Me Back To Then
B5.Down For The Third Time
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