A new unit by Felix Dickinson, who is well known for his releases on labels such as Is It Balearic? and Hector Works, and for his work in units such as LHAS Inc. and Das Etwas! It's a funky and groovy disco tune with Nantes Cro-Magnon member Kos Gatsuyoshi on guitar and bass, and the B-side also includes a deep and trippy house remix by Jolly Jams' DJ Kaos!
Released 2014
Media Condition EX
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AI Ain't Gonna Tell You (Original Version)
BI Ain't Gonna Tell You (DJ Kaos Highland Park Power Mix)
Released 2014
Media Condition EX
Sleeve Condition GEN
AI Ain't Gonna Tell You (Original Version)
BI Ain't Gonna Tell You (DJ Kaos Highland Park Power Mix)