Theo Parrish's early masterpiece, left behind on the legendary UK label Music Is..., which Moodymann, Rick Wade, Chris Gray, etc. also released, is reprinted as a 2-disc vinyl set with a gorgeous double-page spread jacket from Nantes Sound Signature! The jacket this time is really cute, but since it's a work from when Theo was working with the actual machine, the black and realistic sound is still too bitter! He has released two 12-inch releases on Music Is…, both of which are quite rare now, so don't miss this opportunity!
A1."Smile" (12:30)
B1."Lost Keys" (11:42)
C1."Dreamers Blues" (Percussion By Jerry The Cat) (10:39)
D1."Lost Angel" (9:33)
A1."Smile" (12:30)
B1."Lost Keys" (11:42)
C1."Dreamers Blues" (Percussion By Jerry The Cat) (10:39)
D1."Lost Angel" (9:33)