Released in 1977 Produced by Tadataka Watanabe, with cool singing voices and a team of writers including Kyohei Tsutsumi, Tetsuji Hayashi, Mayumi Otsuwa, Kazuhiko Kato, and gorgeous musicians such as Tsugutoshi Goto, Rei Ohara, Tatsuo Hayashi, Kiyoshi Sugimoto, and Masayoshi Takanaka. This album, packed with mellow grooves, has been reevaluated as a masterpiece of CITY POP in recent years.
A1. As usual.
A2. Fly Away
A3. Your dark passion
A4. On a starry night
A5. Midnight Rain
A6. Read Mystery
B1. I'm a little tired
B2. Boring
B3. Tonight
B4. Drunken grass
B5. Samba night
B6. Jasmine Tea and Gauloises
A1. As usual.
A2. Fly Away
A3. Your dark passion
A4. On a starry night
A5. Midnight Rain
A6. Read Mystery
B1. I'm a little tired
B2. Boring
B3. Tonight
B4. Drunken grass
B5. Samba night
B6. Jasmine Tea and Gauloises