[Ron Trent, Hunee, Antal (Rush Hour), Glenn Underground, Dave Harvey (Futureboogie), Luke Solomon, Leo Mars, Jacques Renault (Let's Play House) and more support! ] A notable album by The Patchouli Brothers, a popular re-editor crew with releases from GAMM, Tugboat Edits, Pleasure Of Love, etc.! Contains 4 floor-friendly songs that are re-edits of Cate Brothers Band's "Yield Not To Temptation" and Solomon Burke's "Yes, I Love You"! All songs are great!
A1 Lead Astray
A2 Kin Sol
B1 Can't Get You Down
B2 Project Soul
A1 Lead Astray
A2 Kin Sol
B1 Can't Get You Down
B2 Project Soul