"Ryo Fukui in New York" by Ryo Fukui, the legendary jazz pianist from Hokkaido known for "Scenery" (1976) and "Mellow Dream" (1977). ! A masterpiece centered on standard numbers that also includes a re-performance of the representative song "Mellow Dream"! ! Don't miss it!
A1. Hot House (Charlie Parker)
A2. All The Things Your Are (Jerome Kern)
A3. Red Carpet (Duke Ellington)
A4. Bouncing With Bud (Bud Powell)
B1. Embraceable You (George Gershwin)
B2. Just One of Those Things (Cole Porter)
B3. Mellow Dream (Ryo Fukui)
A1. Hot House (Charlie Parker)
A2. All The Things Your Are (Jerome Kern)
A3. Red Carpet (Duke Ellington)
A4. Bouncing With Bud (Bud Powell)
B1. Embraceable You (George Gershwin)
B2. Just One of Those Things (Cole Porter)
B3. Mellow Dream (Ryo Fukui)