Ryuichi Sakamoto's fifth solo album, released on October 5, 1985. An album composed of songs that reflect the concept of "imaginary folk music" created at the request of avant-garde dancer Morisa Fenley. Art Lindsay's noisy guitar is incorporated at key points into folk music full of artificial beauty created by making full use of Fairlight CMI, and the unconventional music that harmoniously integrates these elements is truly Ryuichi Sakamoto's work. This is the high-tech, techno, and universal ethnic music that he aimed for. This work, which has been reevaluated as electronic music and avant-garde music in recent years, is an important work in his career, and Ryuichi Sakamoto also ranks it as one of his favorites. Includes the latest 2020 commentary by Eiichi Yoshimura and comments from Ryuichi Sakamoto.
A1A Wongga Dance Song6:18
A2The "Dreaming"3:52
A3A Rain Song2:26
A5A Human Tube4:50
B1Adelic Penguins6:06
B2A Carved Stone8:23
B3Ulu Watu3:55
A1A Wongga Dance Song6:18
A2The "Dreaming"3:52
A3A Rain Song2:26
A5A Human Tube4:50
B1Adelic Penguins6:06
B2A Carved Stone8:23
B3Ulu Watu3:55