"Wa Radice Garage" is a pioneering Japanese DJ event with a new interpretation that transforms the unknown dance music of the 1970s and 1980s, such as domestic disco, Japanese boogie, and city pop, into the values of current club music. ”Supervised! Spectrum's popular song "Tomato Ippatsu" by Spectrum, a representative 80's disco/brass rock band that is currently being reevaluated overseas, and its leader Ichiro Nitta's solo single "Sunrise" are soaring in price on the used market.・Sunset” was released as a 7-inch analog disc. This is a song that is in high demand for reissue even in the recent Japanese music and record boom. This is a high-quality press cut with a 96kHz24bit high-resolution sound source from the original master tape.
A–Spectrum Tomato Ippatsu = Tomato Ippatsu4:42
B – Ichiro Nitta Sunrise/Sunset 4:07
A–Spectrum Tomato Ippatsu = Tomato Ippatsu4:42
B – Ichiro Nitta Sunrise/Sunset 4:07