The 26th installment of Unlimited Love, a series that continues to release extremely rare songs and maniac classics in 12-inch EP format! New Love Ltd & Interstate 95 "So Much To Talk About", which was picked up on the compilation supervised by DJ Red Greg, and World Quake Band "On The One" recorded on the compilation supervised by Sean P. Rare song!
A1. New Love Ltd And Interstate 95 - So Much To Talk About
A2. Sonny Jenkins And The New York Potpourri Strings - That Friday Pay (Eagle Flying Day) Part I
B1.Sugar & Spice - The Beast
B2. World Quake Band - On The One
A1. New Love Ltd And Interstate 95 - So Much To Talk About
A2. Sonny Jenkins And The New York Potpourri Strings - That Friday Pay (Eagle Flying Day) Part I
B1.Sugar & Spice - The Beast
B2. World Quake Band - On The One