“The Right Way” was released in June 2018, and “Tripping Out”, a cover of C. Mayfield’s classic song, was released in November 2018, and both quickly disappeared from the shelves, leaving many DJs and core listeners in the dark. Slowly has received enthusiastic support from not only music lovers but also general music lovers. In the tight 4 months since the release in November, we will be releasing another amazing 7-inch. This work firmly follows the reggae etiquette that Slowly loves, using a 98 BPM 4/4 track and analog synth sounds full of blackness, while giving the overall image a Balearic atmosphere. This is a superb instrumental number that has been put together. B-Side also includes a dub version by Nagatoshi Takamiya, who is the label owner and mixes all the releases. A superb Balearic track full of love for reggae and black music by Slowly from Tokyo!
Side-A: Until The Break of Dawn
Side-B: Until The Break of Dawn (ET Dub)
Side-A: Until The Break of Dawn
Side-B: Until The Break of Dawn (ET Dub)