Blorp, an up-and-coming Hungarian label led by Gnork, known for its works from Unknown To The Unknown, the Quartet Series, and participation in Blind Jacks Journey, has released a previous work from Silver Lake under the name of Aquarium. Introducing inches! Percussive deep house A1 where spacey synth SE and voice shots appear and disappear, A2 where thick synth bass pulsates inorganically in the flow of continuous chord sounds, using news narration Includes 4 songs: B1, which makes you feel like you're in a daydream, and Ambient House B2, where a cool synth sequence slips through the thick slamming beats! Recommended!
A1: Track 1
A2: Track 2
B1: Track 3
B2: Track 4
A1: Track 1
A2: Track 2
B1: Track 3
B2: Track 4