The 4th installment of Housewax, a collaboration series between Germany's Rawax and Houseworx hosted by Matt Star & Robert Drewek, is here! This time, the well-known Jamie Read, who works together with Felix Dickinson under the name LHAS Inc.=Larry Heard Appreciation Society, appears! A 12-inch CD with 4 songs featuring old-school Chicago roots drums, mainly 707s and 808s, and floating and transparent synth work! Check it out if you're interested in Simoncinono's works and labels like Dream House!
A1 Map Of The Week 1
A2 Give It To You
B1 Sunroof
B2 Pleasure Principle
A1 Map Of The Week 1
A2 Give It To You
B1 Sunroof
B2 Pleasure Principle