The popular revived Jovonn's masterpiece released in 1994 under the name of LY from Nite Grooves under King Street has been remastered and reissued! An exquisite dark deep house tune with a heavy, wriggling bass and mysterious synths! I'm so happy that it's a very popular board that was traded at a premium price even on the second-hand market! Together with the Goldtone 2-disc reissue compilation released by Clone, this is a must-have for your family!
A1 Back 2 Zanzibar (King Street Mix)
A2 Back 2 Zanzibar (Next Moov Mix)
B1 Deep Inside My Mind (King Street Deep Mix)
B2 Deep Inside My Mind (Baseroom Mind Mix)
A1 Back 2 Zanzibar (King Street Mix)
A2 Back 2 Zanzibar (Next Moov Mix)
B1 Deep Inside My Mind (King Street Deep Mix)
B2 Deep Inside My Mind (Baseroom Mind Mix)